Broadly Thinking About:

The intersections of micro theory, econometric theory, and machine learning.

How do researchers act? How do they learn? How do they make decisions? What changes when researchers are algorithms?

Also, what is the difference between optimizing a smooth nonlinear function over Euclidean space and optimizing a linear function over a smooth Riemannian manifold? What are the duality implications?

Specifically Working On:

People have presented a number of suggestions for solving the replication crisis. These suggestions sometimes do not take into account dynamics; and they almost always do not examine the effects on innovation. Nic Fishman and I are thinking about this.

Multiple papers with Eric Sun , my predoctoral mentor, on the effects of surgeons (and anesthesiologists) taking leaves on patient outcomes. Updates on this coming soon.

Research Statement:

Check back when I’m on the job market.

A random equation that I’ve been thinking about:

$$ \mu = \argmin_{G \in S_d^+} \sum_{i=1}^N \delta_R^2(G, P_i) $$

(updated 03/06/2025, credit to Jeong et al. (2023) )